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How To Create Easy-To-Read Articles

Writing for the web is different than any other medium, because people are reading off of a computer screen, which is not the easiest on the eyes!
Web readers also tend to skim content, so the more information you can convey at a quick glance the better.
When you're writing articles you'll use in article marketing, it's a good idea to structure your articles so that they are reader friendly. Both publishers and readers will thank you for it.

Here are 3 simple tricks for making easy-to-read articles:
A sub-heading is a way of dividing information in an article. The sub-heading appears on a separate line with a blank space above and below it. At a glance, the reader can see what that section is about.
Here are a few ways to make a sub-heading stand out:
ALL CAPS: Write your sub-heading in all caps, as I've done in this article.
=> Put an arrow before your sub-heading. You can create an arrow with the equals key (=) and the greater than key >.
*Use an asterisk
Short paragraphs are just plain easier to read. It helps to have a generous amount of space in between the bits of information you're offering in your article, because it give your reader's eyes a chance to rest.
It's very hard to skim larger paragraphs, so information can be lost, and the reader has to work hard to extract information from your article.
You want to make things as easy as possible on your reader, so keep your paragraphs small. A small paragraph may just be one or two lines, and that's okay.
There is a reason why numbered list articles are so hot on the web--they are simply easiest to read. Remember, readers are probably skimming your content, so the more attention you can draw to each point the better.
What could be more obvious than a "STEP #1:" or a "Tip #1" right in front of each point?
Some popular 'numbered list' style articles are:
=> 'How To' articles, where you give a series of numbered steps on how to do something with an explanation under each. For maximum readability, clearly identify each step by putting STEP 1: or 1) or #1.
It also helps to put the step on its own line, and then underneath it put the explanation of the step.
=> A 'Top Tips' list, where usually you take a broader view of a topic and compile a list of facts. Remember, each item should be clearly identified with a number.
Remember, you cannot be too obvious when you're writing for the web--this may not be how you'd write if you were writing a paper for school or a hard copy book, but online readers have special needs.
You can use one or all of these suggestions in an article. Certainly, the more reader friendly your article is, the more information the reader can take away, and the more useful your article will be.


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